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Tangled (라푼젤) 재커리리바이, 맨디무어 2011 오스카에서 공연한다네!!!

Tangled Stars Zachary Levi & Mandy Moore To Perform At Oscars!

Tangled fans may have been disappointed that the film didn't get nominated for Best

 Animated Feature, but we KNOW they'll be ecstatic to hear this!

Zachary Levi & Mandy Moore are confirmed to be performing a song from Tangled at this

 year's Oscars.

Should be a great performance, and we'd say they've def got a decent chance at

 getting Best Original Song.

Are U excited for Chuck Zachary and Mandy's Oscar performance?

맞다!!!! 오스카 후보에 안 올라서 실망했었는데ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

주제가는 Original Song 후보에 올랐다.

주제가 I see the light를 직접 불러준다니 오마이갓!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

너무 기대된다!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

세상에!!! 재커리리바이씨가 무대에서 노래를 한다뉘!!!!!!!!!!!